Kosmo Unfiltered

Kosmo’s Quick Hangover Fix: Honey Chicken Biscuits

Episode Summary

Wes and I talk about the ultimate hangover recovery dish recipe - honey chicken biscuits - and, as always, share tips to take it to the next level.

Episode Notes

Ever woken up after a fun night out feeling like a zombie and desperately in need of a hangover cure?

We've all been there at least once. That's why I've come up with a magical recipe for the ultimate recovery dish: honey chicken biscuits.

In this episode, Wes and I talk about the recipe and, as always, share hacks to make the perfect dish even better. 

We also talk about other hangover foods and share fun stories about our hangovers (and some not-so-fun experiences with gas station biscuits and McDonald's breakfast burritos). Plus, we try to answer the eternal question of why we keep going back to drinking despite the hangover pain. 

So, check out this episode for some tips on how to make your next hangover a bit more bearable. 

Tune in now!

Key Takeaways:

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